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The Palomar Mountain Planning Organization (PMPO) is a nonprofit, membership organization established in the early 1980's to help develop planning goals and proposals for the Palomar Mountain Community. The organization provides guidelines for future economic, social and physical development of the community!

The next PMPO Board Meeting will on November 10th, 2018 at 10:30am, followed by meetings on February 9th, 2019 and the Annual General Meeting on May 25th, 2019 at 10am (after the Annual Pancake breakfast) at the Fire Station

Postal Address
P.O. Box 145
Palomar Mountain
CA 92060-0145

Dual Survery

Most of Crestline and all of Birch Hill is located in federal government survey Section 14, and in 1975 a new government survey moved Section 14's center line north so that the National Forest took over about 18 acres more land than it had before. This cost Palomar many residents along the entire mile-long line the right to build on their properties. We have recently discovered that the problem extends west from Section 14 into Section 15, because the survey changes the east-west boundary between the two sections. The PMPO hopes to solve these problems by locating a landowner willing to donate about 18 acres to the Forest Service, in exchange for which the federal government would restore the Section 14 and Section 15 boundary to its long-accepted location